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It's here! The new album is here! 

Super Smash Band: Rivals from Do a Barrel Roll! is finally here! Check it out on Bandcamp for the full album! It's availble for ad-free streaming and also digital and physical purchase. And 7 of the 12 tracks are available on all major streaming services as well!

Thanks so much to all who have supported us so far! Stay tuned for updates on shows and other events!

New YouTube videos are in the works too! Thanks for waiting! 

Much love!

Older updates 4/2/24 Hello and happy spring!  BIG update here from Do a Barrel Roll!  ----- The long-awaited follow-up to Super Smash Band: Heroes is right around the corner! We hope to see you at VGM CON, because we'll have an early run of physical CDs and posters with us for our performance. Rivals will be hitting digital storefronts at the end of April, and physical CDs will be available then, too. Thank you for waiting so long! ❤️ ----- Also, be sure to come and see us perform at VGM CON on April 19th, because we'll have early access CDs and Posters available for sale! Don't miss it!  Thanks to everyone for the support! Can't wait for you all to hear the new album! C 11/27/23 Update!  As I'm busy gearing up for holiday shows, I have something fun to share with you!  I've published my first arrangement! My arrangement of Kevin Kiner's Ahsoka - End Credits is now available! You can purchase solo versions of the theme for Violin, Viola and Cello and the full String Ensemble Arrangement is available as well!  String Ensemble : Violin : Viola: Cello: Also! More show dates have been added on my Live page, including some fun holiday shows! Check it out and hope to see you soon!  Thanks to everyone always for the encouragement and support! C 6/5/23 Hello! So many cool things have been happening since the last update. I've been super busy with arranging projects and recording and of course live shows! Thanks to all who have come out to support live music. It's been great to see you all! Do a Barrel Roll! has been tracking our new album and it's going to be so awesome! Can't wait to share it! More show dates have been added on my Live page! Check it out and hope to see you soon!  Thank you always for the support!  C 3/25/23 Hello and Happy Spring! New Do a Barrel Roll! Release! We just released a couple Octopath Traveler tracks and they're available on all platforms! More dates have been added on my Live page! Check it out and hope to see you out at some shows to support live music!  I'll be busy this next month with lots of recording and arranging projects. Look for the new March video on YouTube soon! And please subscribe!  Thank you for the support!  C 2023 is here! Hello everyone and welcome to my website! My goal this year is to update  my site more often (especially the wheres and whens on my show schedule page), so please check back often for updates! So far, I've got some dates up for January through the beginning of March and I'll work on getting more up soon!  My 2022 goal was to write and record string arrangements and upload the videos to my Youtube channel every month. I'm planning to keep that going this year as well!  If you haven't seen them, click below to visit my channel and subscribe if you like what I'm making!  Thanks always for the support!  C HAPPY FALL! October 2017 ​ Hello Everyone!  It's been quite a while since my last update on the website!  Lots of things going on this year and I haven't kept up with the site!   ​ I've had so many great experiences this year!  I went on Joe Bonamassa's Keeping the Blues Alive at Sea cruise to Mexico in February, which was amazing!  In May, I was lucky enough to go on tour with Kat Perkins to the Middle East to perform for the US Military!  What an amazing tour!  Besides that, I've been performing all spring and summer and last week, I even played with Bernard Purdie and several other hundred drummers. That's right, I said hundreds!  Wow!  More updates to come soon, but you'll find the most updated info on my facebook and my instagram, so check there if you want the latest!   ​ Oh!  And I've finally updated my calendar, so you'll find my upcoming shows and tours on my Live page!  Thanks guys!   ​ C HAPPY THANKSGIVING! November 2016 ​ Hey everyone! Happy Thanksgiving! I've been super busy playing so many different shows this year, and I am so thankful that I've been able to do that!  It's been amazing to get to play with so many different bands and the music is always fantastic! Coming up in my schedule, I have some private parties, weddings and of course, some killer holiday shows! For the next month, I'll be touring with Mick Sterling and his 19-piece band for An Andy and Bing Christmas!  Video sneak peak here! And on top of that, I'll also be touring with a Kat Perkins Christmas! You might remember her from the Voice, she was awesome! You can check out a sneak peak of her show right here.  If you're looking for a fun holiday outing, these two shows will surely quench your holiday thirst! I'm so excited for this holiday season!  I hope you are too!  Happy Thanksgiving! ​ C NEW RELEASE! September 2016 ​ Hey everyone, check out this awesome new collaboration album celebrating Nintendo 64's 20th birthday! I made a solo track for this and Do a Barrel Roll! (band) contributed 2 awesome tracks as well! Look for my track, Wario's Battle Waltz, which I arranged and recorded all with my 7-String Viper Electric Violin! It's #7! Do a Barrel Roll!'s new tracks are #38 and #75! But don't stop there, you'll find around 5 1/2 hours of other awesome contributions on here! ​ C  WOOD VIOLINS ARTIST AND OTHER UPDATES Very excited to share that I am now officially a Wood Violins artist! I am thrilled! Check out the link below! I also wanted to share the latest Do A Barrel Roll! release with you!  It's super cool! We took part in a compilation album in tribute to the awesome video game Ecco the Dolphin (one of my favorite games ever)! Great reviews so far and I arranged the DABR tracks myself!  Check out the album here: More updates soon to come! C JANUARY UPDATE Happy New Year!  It's been a busy January so far! The first couple weekends of the month, I played with Patrick Rieger of the LA band Whiskey Sunday at Morrissey's Pub and Du Nord Craft Spirits. Over this past weekend, I played with EltonSongs at the Pioneer Place Theater in St. Cloud. What a wonderful show and a fantastic audience! So glad I was able to be a part of it. This coming Thursday and Friday, I'll be playing with Rainy Days & Mondays - The Music of The Carpenters in Detroit Lakes and Brainerd, MN. Excited to bring this show to the north! And then this weekend, I'll be heading to the 2016 NAMM show in Anaheim, CA!  Excited to explore!  Here's to a busy 2016!   C APRIL UPDATE Do a Barrel Roll! at MPR! April 2015 With our performance at MAGfest back in January, DABR has been gaining momentum, with upcoming video releases, live streams, a new EP and most recently, our recording and interview with Top Score at Minnesota Public Radio.  We had a great time recording some of our favorite tracks and talking about our upcoming projects.  Look to see that around the end of May both online as a podcast and on air around the country on NPR.  Find more at  or C DO A BARREL ROLL! AT MAGFEST January 2015 Video game band, DABR, went to Washington, DC for a huge gaming festival and shared the stage with many amazing video game bands, including Bit Brigade, Kirby's Dream Band, Powerglove and Protomen.  We met a lot of wonderful people and put out the word about our album Boss Rush, available now, and our upcoming Pokemon themed EP and comic books.  We had a fantastic time and are hoping to return next year!  Keep a watch out for more DABR news on our website at and   C TOUR WRAP-UP With The Brains Of This Operation? The Midwest tour was a complete success!  We had a great time as a band and made a lot of great friends and fans.  We were able to share the stage with many great people (including The Aristocrats!) and really great music!  Thank you to everyone who came out and made it a success!  We hope to see you soon!  Look for our next album, release TBA.  You can find videos, photos and more on our band website: C


© 2013-2023 by Cierra Hill. All rights reserved.

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